I hope you have an amazing St. Patrick’s Day.
Here are a few interesting bits of information about St. Patrick.He was not an Irishman!
He was born in western Britain.His father, Calpurnius, was a Roman official and deacon.
Patrick, while still a boy, was captured and sold as a slave in Ireland. He escaped to Gaul.
He probably studied in the monastery of Lerina before returning to Britain.
He received a supernatural call to preach to the heathen of Ireland, so he returned to Gaul and was ordained deacon.
Finally, he landed in Wicklow, Ireland (432) and traveled north, converting the people of
Ulster and later those of other parts of Ireland.
He died around 461 and may have been buried at Down in Ulster.
*These tidbits were primarily drawn from Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable.
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