Friday, May 31, 2013


 This is a fun site!
I made a little musical composition for my wife's birthday.
 Please vote !! 

Happy Birthday, Gay !


Friday, May 24, 2013

New Programs !

I am pleased to announce that I am offering new programs. 

I am especially looking forward to incorporating some of the Reading Assistant programs. 
While I don't think computers should take over the learning process, they are an excellent tool to assist in gaining ground - particularly in repetitive technical practice. 

Also  Summer Tutoring will soon be starting - check website for further information:

 The Reading Assistant program

combines advanced speech recognition technology with research-based instruction

helps students strengthen their reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension

feedback to participants is supportive and individualized 

The Fast ForWord® program

Accelerates learning for students across a wide spectrum of ages and abilities

Applies proven research on how the brain learns

Builds cognitive skills in the areas of memory, attention, processing, and sequencing

Learners can realize rapid achievement gains 

For more information, don't hesitate to call or e-mail:  
519 824 0982