Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rose of Sharon

Our Rose of Sharon has made a dramatic appearance in the last couple of days. 
It's called 'Blue Satin' - but the flowers look more purple to me than blue.  Still, very nice!

Hibiscus syriacus 'Marina'

Monday, July 25, 2011

Elora Festival

Gay and I had an amazing time at the Elora Festival's "Local Legends" concert.
Held in a barn - some of the sound left a bit to be desired; however, the classical guitar player, Tony McManus, was amazing, and his solo parts were not hampered by the location.  (I've put a Youtube link to one of his performances below.)

Kevin Breit was quite entertaining as well - very animated !!

My wife, Gay, was quite taken with Gwen Swick's voice. 

Tony McManus playing The Emigrants Farewell