Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to School !

It's hard to believe that the Summer Break is coming to an end.

With the school new year about to begin, there will be lots of excitement; but, also, lots of nervousness, stress, and tension.
It is important for parents to maintain as calm an atmosphere as possible. Students look to their parents as examples, and a calm methodical approach will go a long way in keeping the mood positive.
Messaging is another important component. Always try to speak in positive terms about going back to school, learning new things, catching up with friends, and discovering a whole new world! (Of course, complaining about our own "work" can quickly negate all this positivity - so try to model an optimistic pro-active approach. )

The next week may be a good opportunity to begin getting everyone back on schedule as well. Bedtimes, consistent meals, morning procedures, etc. should follow as closely as possible the new school routine.

A little planning and practice can really help calm those frayed nerves - for students and parents alike!
Here's wishing everyone a smooth entry into September.