Only the educated are free
Epictetus (Greek Philosopher)
Epictetus was born around the year 55 (slightly before I was!) and was originally a slave.
He was eventually freed. (He may have considered himself free long before he was physically freed.)
He lived and studied in Rome (first as a slave) then became a teacher with his own school in Nicopolis in Greece.
He was a stoic and seems to have followed the older stoics.
In addition to the quotation above, his philosophy is very interesting in its ability to help guide people to a happier life.
We see many of the stoic ideas in more modern form - including Albert Ellis and his Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.
Epictetus believed that we are able to choose - even though he believed many things belonged to fate - the way we respond to them is up to us.
"No one is master of another's prohairesis [moral character], and in this alone lies good and evil. No one, therefore, can secure the good for me, or involve me in evil, but I alone have authority over myself in these matters." (Discourses 4.12.7–8, trans. Dobbin)
Our thoughts and our responses are within our control - and we can choose to be calm and take an active role to improve the events that happen to us, or not.
Now I am not suggesting that I agree with everything the Stoics, or Epictetus, said; however, I do think there is a lot to be learned from them.
Nor am I suggesting that I, myself, can always choose the right thoughts or responses to disturbing events.
What I do suggest is that we are all learning ( or should be!) and can find our better paths in time - and perhaps with a little guidance.
Those who choose not to learn or change will forever stay wallowing in their own self-pity and despair.
Education - learning - can be freeing on so many levels.
Keep learning, keep growing and exploring the world!